Boarding Information

Boarding your dog:

The vast majority of dogs adapt well and enjoy their stay at the resort. For some dogs-puppies which have not had their immunizations, extremely old dogs with chronic illnesses, very aggressive dogs, dogs that have major separation anxiety, you might consider boarding with your veterinarian.

We offer boarding evaluations enabling you to leave your dog for the day. This is an excellent way to introduce your dog to boarding.  After just a few visits your dog accepts our resort as a normal way of life.

Understanding the boarding environment:

It is important to understand the possible effects of stress on a dog and to do everything possible to minimize stress both prior to and immediately after boarding. Boarding kennel stress is real! Dogs become stressed the same as you and I and putting your dog into boarding, can be very stressful for them. Imagine taking a young child to a strange place and leaving it with people it doesn’t know. The child will more often than not, become distressed and upset. The same thing can and does happen to dogs. Often, owners don’t realize, or it never occurs to them, that their dog may become stressed under these conditions, especially, if signs of stress aren’t noticed in their home environment or when they are out and about. A boarding kennel environment can be especially hard on nervy, fearful, anxious or dog aggressive dogs. It can also be hard on dogs from the same household, if they are not used to being separated, being alone or being away from their owner. Separation related issues in dogs are on the increase and do impact a dogs behavior.

Sometimes temporary behavior changes can occur as a result of unfamiliar surroundings. While boarding, your best friend tears up the bed that has been slept in for years. Eating habits change under stress, and a dog assimilates food differently. Some will eat like canaries at home and like vultures at a boarding facility. They may put on a few pounds. Others can lose weight though eating well or lose weight by not eating enough. Life in a boarding facility can be very exciting, and some dogs lose weight because they run the weight off as they charge around barking at other dog and having a wonderful time. These dogs often leave the facility exhausted but happy, and sleep a lot the first couple of days they are home. All of the preparation by the pet owner merely points out that successful boarding depends not only upon the pet care facility, but also upon how well the owner prepares the dog for the experience.

Signs of kennel stress can manifest in dogs in many ways:

-Aggression: often due to fear, dog cannot be handled by anyone other than the owner (may need a few short visits so your dog gets used to being handled by someone else)

-Excessive barking & whining: it’s a sign the dog is distressed and it also very unsettling for the other dogs

-Vomiting and Diarrhea: very common in a boarding environment

-Loss of appetite: not eating due to stress and/or change of diet. Change of diet, may also cause vomiting and diarrhea

-Constant licking of the lips: dogs do that to try to calm themselves down

-Pacing & Depression

Some dogs who have never been confined before may try to break out by throwing themselves against the walls or door of the room.

After Boarding Info:

When you get your dog home from boarding: It is best to wait at least 30 minutes after arriving home to offer food or water. It is normal for dogs to be thirsty when they get home. Many dogs get extremely excited about seeing their owners and pant heavily in their excitement. This causes loss of water vapor. DO NOT let them drink large quantities of water, quickly. This could upset their stomachs and cause vomiting and/or diarrhea. Loose stools or diarrhea can also be caused by stress, and it is not abnormal for your pet to exhibit this after or during a stay. It is not unusual for a dog to be tired or depressed for a few days after going home. It is much like people that have been staying in hotels; you just don't rest as well away from home. Chances are, also, that your dog has been very active or more active than normal during their stay with us.